Little bit of a thought spillage

Today was a good day. This week has been a good week. I like it when things go well. I suppose though it hasn’t really gone well as such. It’s just the little things that have been good lately.

My horse has been cooperating and no longer acting like a teenage girl who just found out she wont actually ever get to date Justin Bieber. Thats been nice. Then of course theres the new house thats warm, always gets sunlight, has a large hot water cylinder, we have a surplus amount of -we brought it because we could and are pretending its a need- things and I’m really enjoying my flatmates company. I feel like I’m living in a nickelodeon show or a disney ‘feel good’ teenage -trying to motivate and make young kids think life is a fairytale and we’ll all live like Hannah Montana- its a nice feeling when its actually your life though.

I enjoy my own little quirks, like always putting a t on the end of though and having to backspace every single time I do it. Or making up words if I can’t think of the right one to use, even the fact I love to look at my eyes in a mirror -as if I might find out something new about myself- I like to be me. That is a nice feeling I believe.

It is so easy in today’s gibagaba to let yourself become subject to other peoples criticism. I don’t know if I’m just strange, and well so what if I am, but I like the little things I do wrong, the words I spell wrong, the words I say to much, the things that annoy people. I love those about myself. Because thats me.

I struggle to understand why someone would change those things about me or themselves. Life is a beautiful mess constantly. Embracing your role in the play is the first step to a successful curtain call. Criticism seems like a bazar thing to me. I’m crazy and thats fine. I love that. I think we’ve all got a little but of crazy in us.

To me, the way to look at the world is not whats wrong with it and not what can I change about it but what can I love about it and what can I contribute to it? A little bit cheesy but hay, theres always some truth to the cheese. Hmm I’m far to tired and a little but concussed to be writing on a public blog.

Never the less those are my thoughts splattered into a somewhat understandable polumble for you to process.

Good luck.